Advent of Code 2021 Day 24: Math loses again
Advent of Code is a yearly programming challenge involving 25 puzzles, released daily in December. I published all my solutions for 2021 on GitHub. I’m featuring some of the more interesting or odd ones in a series of posts.
In this problem we are asked to simulate an arithmetic logic unit (ALU) over a sequence of assembly-like instructions, e.g. inp w
for “read an input value and write it to variable w
” or div z 3
for “update the variable z
to floor(z/3)
.” The ALU maintains variables w
, x
, y
, z
. We must find the lexicographically greatest (or least) sequence of 14 digits \(w_0, \dots, w_{13} \in \{1, \dots, 9\}\) which, when input to the ALU, leaves z == 0
after all instructions have been executed.
The input contains 14 segments of instructions with 18 instructions each, all starting with inp w
. These segments are identical everywhere except in 3 instructions, namely
- 5th instr:
div z a
; - 6th instr:
add x b
; - 15th instr:
add y c
where a
, b
, c
vary as follows:
Approach 1: Math
My initial approach was to formulate the program as a composition of 14 closely related functions. Each segment \(i\) accepts some input \(w_i\) and updates the ALU state \((w, x, y, z)\) given parameters \(p_i := (a_i, b_i, c_i)\). We don’t actually care what the new value of w
is, since it is immediately overwritten in the next segment (or we’re done, in which case we only care about z
). Writing \(v_i := (x_i, y_i, z_i)\); we can characterize each of the 14 instruction segments as functions
I wrote some code to simulate the ALU and computed values of \(f_i\) for all possible values of \(w_i\) and \(p_i\) and “a lot” of tuples \(v_i\). (We’re not really doing math, after all.) I quickly noticed that the values of \(x_i\) and \(y_i\) had no apparent effect on the output. Begrudgingly peeking at the instruction sequence, I saw that the first instruction involving x
was always mul x 0
, wiping whatever we stored in x
in the previous segment. The same was true for y
. Hence we may as well dump useless information and reformulate the segment’s operation as
then the output of the entire program is given by
\[f(\mathbf w; \mathbf p) := f_{13}(w_{13}, \dotsm f_1(w_1, f_0(w_0, z_0 = 0; p_0); p_1); \dotsm p_{13})\]and we need to find vectors \(\mathbf w\) with \(f(\mathbf w; \mathbf p) = 0\).
At this point I launched an ill-conceived search for the kernel of \(f\). I wrote awful code like this:
for w in range(1, 10):
for z in range(-10, 11):
for a in [1, 26]:
for b in range(10, 14) if a == 1 else range(-13, 1):
for c in range(17):
if f_i(w, z, a, b, c) == 0:
ker.add((w, z, a, b, c))
I drew some plots, none of them six-dimensional. I found some small patterns, like that \(f_i\) was 0 when \(z + b = w\), but felt the trail towards a proper understanding of \(f_i\) running cold. I realized my most useful ideas thus far had come from manually inspecting my specific input, so I decided to scrap the plots and go all in on decompilation.
Approach 2: Manual decompilation
A generic segment is given below, along with a step-by-step Python translation:
inp w w = input()
mul x 0 x = 0
add x z x += z
mod x 26 x %= 26
div z a z //= a
add x b x += b
eql x w x = int(x == w)
eql x 0 x = int(x == 0)
mul y 0 y = 0
add y 25 y += 25
mul y x y *= x
add y 1 y += 1
mul z y z *= y
mul y 0 y = 0
add y w y += w
add y c y += c
mul y x y *= x
add z y z += y
Or, compressed into more readable Python,
w = input()
relation = z % 26 + b == w
z //= a
if not relation:
z = 26 * z + w + c
The number 26
occurs in 2 places (really 3, since a
is either 1
or 26
) — let’s think of z
as a base-26 number. In this view, relation
is True
exactly if the last digit of z
matches w - b
. Then, if a == 26
we pop a digit off of z
; else, a == 1
and we do nothing. Finally, if relation
was False
, we append the digit w + c
to z
Initially z == 0
, i.e. it has “zero digits” in base-26. We need z
to also have zero digits upon termination.
- Case 1:
a == 1
. Notice in this case thatrelation
is alwaysFalse
sinceb > 9
, but we require eachw <= 9
as well. Sincez //= 1
is a no-op, in each of these 7 cases we add a digit toz
, namelyw + c
. - Case 2:
a == 26
. In this caseb
is always nonpositive, sorelation
may or may not hold. In this case we always lop off a digit fromz
, but ifrelation
we add another digit right back.
Actual values of (a, b, c)
for each segment and their interpretations are given below:
0: (1, 11, 1) # add digit w0 + 1 to z
1: (1, 10, 10) # add digit w1 + 10 to z
2: (1, 13, 2) # ...
3: (26, -10, 5) # add digit w3 + 5 to z if relation, else pop digit from z
4: (1, 11, 6) # ...
5: (1, 11, 0)
6: (1, 12, 16)
7: (26, -11, 12)
8: (26, -7, 15)
9: (1, 13, 7)
10: (26, -13, 6)
11: (26, 0, 5)
12: (26, -11, 6)
13: (26, 0, 15)
There are 7 tuples each with a == 1
and a == 26
. Since z
must have “zero digits” at the end, and we know the a == 1
tuples will add 7 digits, we need relation
to hold in each a == 26
tuple such that those segments only remove digits from z
. This reduces the problem to a system of 7 equations, where we track digit additions and deletions across segments as if z
were a stack:
Finding the lexicographically greatest \(\mathbf w\) is then a matter of choosing the solution to this system with the highest possible most significant digits, e.g.
\[\begin{align} w_0 + 1 = w_{13} &\implies w_0 = 8, w_{13} = 9; \\ w_1 + 10 = w_{12} + 11 &\implies w_1 = 9, w_{12} = 8; \\ &\dotsm \end{align}\]which yields the solution for part 1
\[89913949293989\]and, doing the opposite to find the lexicographically least \(\mathbf w\) for part 2,